American Legion Post 172 is hosting at its property in Concord, North Carolina. The upper left shows Post Commander Brian Bloomfield’s twin sons Jeremy and Justin. The next picture was taken on the 3rd night. Next is after 8 days. The last one is after 19 days. We will finish the 30 day installationContinue reading “We’re in North Carolina”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Five Signs
A friend recently highlighted for us that there are five signs of emotional stress that should trigger our action. They are: If you observe a veterans with even one of these signs, please ask them how they are doing. Don’t be afraid that you won’t know how to respond to their answer to that question.Continue reading “Five Signs”
Need Crisis Help?
Of course, you can contact the National VAA Crisis Line by dialing 988 and then press 1. You can also reach them by texting 838255. There is a new service out there where the people you talk to will be trained veterans, rather than trained counselors from all walks of life. This new service isContinue reading “Need Crisis Help?”
Hope Matters
Hope Matters– When you reach the point that suicide seems like the best option, you have lost all hope. Things seem so dark and you feel so alone. Perhaps you have tried to talk to a family member, friend or loved one. You feel like no one understands how you feel or what you areContinue reading “Hope Matters”