Veteran suicide should be unheard of.

Our nation’s past and present peacekeepers should get so much support that they never lose hope.

There are ways you can give hope and help that may save a life.

22ADAY.ORG 2164 Lakeview Dr Ypsilanti MI 48198 (734) 726-4101


Hope Matters

Help Matters

We believe veteran suicide can be prevented if veterans get what they need, when they need it. We would like to help you provide hope and help in any of these ways:

  • Helping veterans and their loved ones to find and use the resources they need (click here)
  • Helping you help people you know who may be thinking of suicide (click here)
  • Helping you find what you need if you recently lost somebody to suicide (click here)
  • Letting you know how you can help to get the word out that there is a problem and that there is also hope (click here)
  • Helping citizens learn what the government could do to help (click here)

Sources of Help

Call or Email us For Resources

You don’t need a resource guide, you need a resource person. Click here to give us a call or an email and we’ll get you connected to needed resources as quickly as possible.

Thoughts of Suicide?

If you know somebody who is thinking of suicide, click here for a list of ways you can help somebody (or yourself) make a better choice.

Have You Lost Someone to Suicide?

Click here for resources that may help you deal with your loss.

Raise Public Awareness of Suicide

We could use your time, or talent, or connections or financial support to do a better job of getting the word out. Click here to find out how.

The government needs to know this issue is important to you!

Click here for legislative information

22ADAY.ORG 2164 Lakeview Dr Ypsilanti MI 48198 (734) 726-4101

Photo Credit: Group Of Veterans Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels,
Website Setup: Millie Hernandez