Need Crisis Help?

Of course, you can contact the National VAA Crisis Line by dialing 988 and then press 1. You can also reach them by texting 838255.

There is a new service out there where the people you talk to will be trained veterans, rather than trained counselors from all walks of life. This new service is also available 24/7 365. You can reach it by calling (855) 838-8255. You can chat with them by going to their website: This new service does not replace the national crisis line but supplements it.

Vets4Warriors is a new project of Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care National Call Center. We understand that your call will be answered by a veteran, not by a computer. We have not used this service yet, so if you do use it, please let us know how it went by emailing us at

Like the national crisis line, this service is for anybody serving in a US military uniform (active, reserve or guard), any US veteran, any family member or caregiver of a us military servicemember or veteran.